Jahara Outreach Projects

Jahara has officially launched it’s outreach department aimed at assisting many of the NPO’s around the area on a weekly and monthly basis. We have assisted in the Hlokomela herb Garden, we are busy revamping training rooms for Hlokomela, we have helped the disabled children drop in centre called Amas just down the road, we assisted to paint the Tintswalo government hospital and continue to assist Kampersrus community regularly.

We have a mandate as part of our recovery to serve and give back and this platform helps us to do this continuously. With so much talent and willing hands available to us Jahara is able to make a huge impact with minimal effort.

As we continue to grow this department, and of course once lock down is complete, we are hopeful to help build a church, to give lessons to underprivileged children, to do drug awareness campaigns and to develop an onsite vegetable farm that can produce vegetables to support at least two charities each week.

This department will of course also oversee the bigger outreach programs such as the one to Beira in 2019. This year we will stay local but will still drive a 5 day outreach trip to deliver much needed goods, food and clothes to isolated villages that would otherwise not receive the help.

We have big plans and big dreams and may from time to time need to call on you for assistance. As much as this serves the community it also serves the recovery process of those in our care as it teaches gratitude, empathy and care.

Mark Lewis