Success Rates and Statistics

While we certainly do not like to boast Jahara, definitely wants to ensure that the service and treatment that we are delivering is in fact producing the results that make the hard work and the financial investment worth it. We are programmed to remain humble but I think it is necessary that the success rates and statistic are published to show that recovery is definitely possible and I think we can boast about the success.

Jahara Treatment Centre has created 90% of the program content we use from scratch and we have developed many specialised work books, groups and activities which assist us in creating a treatment program that addresses many of the core problems of addiction. These problems either contributed to the development (not the cause) of the illness or were as a result of life in active addiction.

We try to evaluate statistics every 6-9 months and only conclude a recovery process to have been successful after 6 months from date of discharge from the centre. Being a relatively new centre we have seen the success rate climb by 18% to 78% and more importantly have seen the successful completion rate of treatment climb from 52% to 68% over the last 18 months. We are hopeful that this rate will continue to climb over the next year or two.

We can assess that the increase of success is due to the improved ability of our staff who undergo continuous training. We can attributethe increased number of successful programs to highly qualified staff that we have managed to bring onto the team over the last 18 months and more importantly we can attribute it to the development of new specialised programs and groups.

Some interesting statistics:

We have a success rate of 78% for all residents who have successfully completed the program with majority of them having more than 20 months clean time - Narcotics Anonymous indicates that once individuals have passed the two year mark there is an 80% chance that they will continue with their recovery journey for the remainder of their lives.

If we include the residents currently in our care and all other residents who have left (either having completed or aborted for whatever reason) we still maintain a 68% success rate. That is an incredible number considering all the reasons why people do not complete treatment. Jahara Treatment Centre does not like to give up and will often expel or accept a residents want to refuse further treatment, or will do a necessary referral, as a way to encourage ongoing recovery - sometimes the residents stubbornness and desire to prove us wrong is enough of a driving force to keep them clean.

There are of course those that we encourage not to leave but still do and those individuals have a 68% chance of falling back into active addiction - there are a few that have proved us wrong so far. It is important to know that addiction treatment is both a science and an art and that outcomes of relapse can be accurately predicted based on the current behaviour, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs of the individual. The trained, qualified and Proffessional staff are very accurate in their scientific assessment of progress and should be treated when evaluating the readiness of individual to re-enter society.

Jahara Treatment Centre really enjoys working with individuals who have attempted treatment on multiple occasions and have not been successful. Our program is unique to Jahara as it is developed by us and so provides an approach that has way more depth than the usual 12 step treatment program. Our ethos is different and the atmosphere that is cultivated to drive personal responsibility and enjoyment really helps to break the resistance to change often experienced in tougher more disciplined treatment methodologies. If you have lost hope in rehabilitation why not try something new and different.

We have found that Alcohol, Cat and Crystal Meth have been the top three drugs of choice in regards to admissions each holding about 20% of admissions to date. With individual specialised programs developed for all 3 of these drugs of choice we hold a success rate of between 68% and 72% for each. There is an 82% completion rate for Cat addiction which we find is really popular amongst the younger residents 18-25 year olds. This is a very good number in comparison to treatment in general.

With our specialised programs for process addictions like eating disorders, sexual addictions, gambling, co-dependancy etc, we have managed to develop success stories for individuals who do not have a substance abuse disorder but rather struggle with other addictions. These process addictions are tricky to treat and often coincide with normal substance and alcohol addictions. If the process addictions are not treated recovery in general stands very little chance. It is the focus and availability of specialised treatment for these different addictions that contributes drastically to the overall success.

A very scary statistic is the prevalence of sexual abuse amongst males and females. This can be classified in terms of childhood sexual abuse, sexual abuse in schools with peers and sexual abuse and trauma as a result of substance and alcohol misuse. 67% of all individuals entering into treatment have experienced some form of sexual abuse. 81% of all female residents have experience sexual abuse. 28% of the 67% that experience sexual abuse were males. The abuse and trauma groups really create an atmosphere where individuals are able to be honest and to bring these terrible experiences to the light.

Finally, there is about 40% prevalence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders that are present alongside the addiction disorder. These psychiatric conditions have to be treated and managed alongside the recovery from addiction in order for the individual to lead a normal and successful life. These psychiatric conditions range from clinical depression, bi-polar, OCD, Schizophrenia and psychosis, anxiety, ADHD etc. We have a fantastic medical department and supporting psychiatrists that are able to assess each resident once stable and come up with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Psychiatric medication is kept as low as possible and only used as a last resort if the individual is not able to stabilise or function without the additional support of medication.

I would like to thank support groups like H.E.A.L. who offer great support and assistance to the supporters and sponsors of the residents in our care and of course to all our residents who complete treatment. The aftercare support structures are crucial for ongoing recovery outside of primary rehabilitation. The management, implementation and monitoring of the developed life-plans and freedom plans that are created in treatment is essential and H.E.A.L. provides the absolute best platform for this.

I would also like to thank the halfway houses that offer support to our residents following completion of treatment especially St Georges and House of oaks. The safe, recovery centred environments and support provided at the halfway houses give a tremendous advantage to developing early recovery and facilitating reintegration back into society.

Mark Lewis